The Global Doctors' Hippocratic Institute is an international hub for connecting all Physicians – Doctors around the world aiming at:
• The exchange of views and the development of scientific dialogue and know-how for the creation of a vital core of medical networking
• The voluntary provision of specialized Hippocratic Medical services
• The establishment and awarding of Excellence Awards for prominent Doctors, with internationally renowned record of activity
• The organization of events, workshops, conferences and transnational meetings
• The historical revival and promotion of the Oath of Hippocrates and Hippocratic Medicine, around the world
• The development of cooperation networks with national, European and international structures and organizations in relation to health and the human-being
• The creation of Hippocratic Medical Philosophy Educational Programs, as well as the development and implementation of activities related to education and training in Hippocratic Medicine
• The interconnection of medical schools around the world with Hippocrates’ medical philosophy and ethics.